Are you ready for classes?

I hope you all had a great summer! I believe many of you went back to your country, spent time with your friends and families, traveled to different places and did things we can only do during the summer break. However, summer is gone and it’s time we went back to the reality. The question here is “Are you ready for classes?” In this blog, I would like to give you the tips to prepare for classes.

  1. Check the schedule

First step is to understand your new class schedule. If you go to MyGeneseo, it shows you class time, lecture room and instructor. Make your own class schedule with those information and bring it with you for the first few days. Make sure that you are enrolled in at least 12 credits.

  1. Get books

Though it is recommended that you wait to buy books until your professor mentions the required books in the first class since sometimes they give you access to online PDF or copy in advance, you can figure out books you need prior to the first class. If you go to Books on MyGeneseo, it shows you required books and materials for each class. Also, if you type ISBN of books on the site called SlugBooks, it shows you from the cheapest to the highest options on different websites. Amazon Rental is one of the most popular options among campus students as well. Sometime it takes time for these books to arrive, it’s good to plan ahead of time.

  1. Be aware of Drop/Add Week

Students are allowed to drop or add any courses only during this week. This semester, it’s from August 26 to August 30. In order to do so, you need to go to MyGeneseo, Registration, Register for classes and Select terms. If you couldn’t be enrolled in certain classes, don’t give up yet. Many students drop their classes during this time of period, so keep your eyes on registration website. There might be an opening spot for you. Again, make sure that you don’t drop too many credits. You need to take at leas 12 credits to maintain your status.

  1. Look through syllabus

You will get syllabus on the first day of class. This has every information you need, such as office hour, course description, required material, assignment, grading policy and exam dates. Make sure you read them through and understand all of them. It is strongly recommended that you mark important date on your calendar so that you don’t miss any deadlines or exams.

  1. Introduce yourself to new professors

Building a good relationship with professors is one of the most important keys to succeed in classes. At the end of lecture or during the office hour, talk to them and introduce yourself. Tell them how excited you are to take their courses. They would love to get to know new students and they are always welcoming.

I hope these tips help you prepare for new classes. Get excited to learn new stuff and meet new peers and professors. I hope you the best luck in classes!

-Nami Nishimura

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